
...and i can be your knight, if only you would let me.

Friday, October 16, 2009
10/16/2009 12:58:00 am

when you give someone flowers, how much thought and effort do you put into the process?

do you consider the person's preferences?

do you consider your own preferences?

or do you really read into the meanings associated with the type of flower, its colour and quantity?

the cliche rose, flower of choice of many, and aptly, it symbolizes love.

below is a list of symbolic meanings attached to a certain type of rose.
my personal favourite is the pink rose. well, my favourite flower is jasmine tho. i guess i got it from my grandmother - the most important woman in my life.

Rose Red - I Love You
Rose Pink - Happiness
Rose Yellow - Friendship
Rose White Innocence or Purity
Orange Rose - Pride, Desire
Rose White - Innocence and Purity, I am Worthy of You
Rosebud Red - Pure and Lovely
Lavender Rose - Opulence
Black Rose - Rebirth, New Beginnings
Blue Rose - Impossible, Unattainable

Blue roses exist in fantasy but not in nature. The blue rose symbolizes the unattainable or impossible which won't make it a good choice to give someone you would like to maintain a relationship with anyway. nice.

and the wrappings, the accompanying flowers and all that jazz, do you simply let the florist decide, or do you choose baby's breath because you know it symbolizes 'a delicate touch' as if to be the icing on the cake...


Wednesday, October 14, 2009
I'm falling out of love.
10/14/2009 02:06:00 pm

I used to wait for you. Days would go by before I got a text or a hello, but I was so elated to finally hear from you that I ignored all the signs.

I forgot that I deserve better. I forgot that I actually need someone who's going to uplift and adore me, worship me, love me completely, just as I loved you. But I'll never get that from you.

I'll never get the sweet note or that hug or the awkward hand holding. I'll never be able to hold you again, to kiss you and run my fingers along your collar bone; you're simply too cruel. I can't deal with the insensitivity and the cutting jokes. I can't deal with the degrading behavior you're so trapped in.

You're sorry? Well that's wonderful, but I don't want apologies. I want a change in behavior, a change in character, and I'm not going to ask that of you because I know you too well. This is who you are, this is how you are, and I'm not supposed to try and change that. I'm accepting you as You, and moving on.

I'm falling out of love.

Wednesday, October 07, 2009
today, something happened.
10/07/2009 11:36:00 pm

the things that you do, have you ever stopped to think; why, why do you do them?

are you deluded when you help a friend - and whatever you do for this friend, especially if she's of the opposite sex/gender, you tell yourself that you do it out the kindness of your heart, and not cuz' you've got the hots for her? how do you know this is true?
why bother going through all this trouble. isn't it human nature to want something in return, be it gratitude, or even a warm bed at night? is it hard to believe that perhaps you just want your friend to be happy. seeing her happy makes you fuzzy inside - like collecting karma points.

and do you pick a fight just because you know you can win, because you hate the person or because of the alpha male syndrome?

in crisis, one's true character shows. this, i've been told time and time again.

how much would you fight for a friend?

how far would you go to hold on to a friendship?

how hard do you hold on to your principles?

and would you back down, even if you know you were right, just because sometimes, there are other things more important in life?

all that matters is today.
